Tell me, in today’s world how have been your experience while helping out people? ---- Good? Bad?
I know helping people is a good thing, but does this era of polluted people deserve it? --- Actually, help is required by almost everyone at some point or the other, and if you are capable, you must help out everyone. The point which I wanted to emphasize on is that people are mostly ‘ungrateful,’ or in some extreme cases ‘disgraceful’ towards the help provided. Now, you might think ‘ungrateful’ is fine, everyone has come across that kind, but how come ‘disgraceful.’ Let me tell you, you will soon relate to what I am saying out here.
Just roll back in time and think of a help you just provided someone at the time of his/her dire need. Maybe you helped out at the initial cry or maybe after their continuous nagging. In any case, you helped out. Fine! Seems like a good deed, and you took one for them. If they appreciate your help with a smile, well and good…what more will a helping hand seek than a warm thankful gesture? And if not so, then you can just accept the fact that the person is an ungrateful type and move on.
But again this is not the end in some cases, as some beings are more than ungrateful and shameless. This reflects when they ask for help again, but this time you are unable to help. This may be due to your own inability to do so at that point in time, or maybe due to your own decision to not help them further. Now, this is something unacceptable and things turn upside down as they start criticizing you for not helping them.
Well, you might think that this is how they behave with everyone, so it’s not a big deal. But observe this species of people closely. When these people go around asking others for help and they deny, its fine with them; but when you being their helper once or maybe a couple of times, denying to help even once later down the line is the biggest mistake of your life. These people have the spirit of scavenging over others help, and they actually have the mentality of being superior to others when they make people work for them. Even during times of their trauma and despair, they blame the helping hands for their situation.
You can blame the helper for over-helping as well because he was not bound to help, and because of his actions, the person got the habit of being helped by him every time. Eventually not helping out next time was his fault. Well, there is a group of people that prove this theory wrong. And that group is termed by me as the ‘symbiosis group.’ This group of people blames and criticizes in worst ways possible when the former person or the savior is unable to help at times, just like above. But these people are an exception as they help each other out at all times, in a symbiotic manner, so the blames and criticisms are acceptable. This is some positive kind of leaning and helping that is always welcome, despite the criticisms involved. But the scavenging ones are something negative, and leaning on them is obviously not an option. They are far from helping others. Additionally, helping them can attract mental torture at times, leading some weak-minded people to pass wrong self-judgments about themselves.

Be an honest person and help others the best way you can…. You will be at more peace than ever!
Thank you for reading and do share your story in comments if you have faced similar people or/and situations in your life.
I always hve relatd to thse people s ungrateful bt I find " disgraceful" suits dm ...dy become so mean if u cnt hlp dm or do not provide wht dy need.