Every individual’s life is filled with hardships and problems, and they are constantly stressing about finding solutions to those. Well, life is busy, and to be honest, who has time to think about others' problems when they are so much consumed with their own ones at hand? But if you sit back and think about it, what do you need the most when you are going certain situations in life? Well, when you think deep enough, the answer is obvious--- a good ‘listener’.

But then again, there are certain problems which do not have any solution, or you may say that we run in loops, not finding a way out, and the only solution we see is to go through the situation one day at a time. The tide of immense feelings washing you off and draining you each time is quite harsh, but you know things will not be changing in the near future and you will have to go through the same over and over again. Maybe you have faced that numerous times, but it always seems to drain you the same way, rather than you being used to that. Help is always welcome from someone in these situations as well, but what if there is not even a provision to get help, or what if helping or trying to resolve the situation from external help worsens the situation?
A good listener is all that is required to ease the situation for that person, to give him the confidence to keep going. This might not be a great thing done from the former one's point of view, but it’s a huge deal for the one in some deep situation, because, at times, that’s all a person needs. This is a type of psychological help that reinforces the person mentally, assuring him that even if the person is not able to help out, the former one is interested in listening and giving suggestions or reviews wherever possible.

By now I guess you already relate to whatever is wrote about, and maybe you already knew all about the importance of a good listener. So, why did I use so many words to stress on this subject? This is because just knowing about it does not make this world a better place, actions are required. You might not be the best listener out there, you might not be at the level to counsel others, but you must always try and get some patience to hear someone out. It's not like you are doing some favor for someone, because it's the same that you will seek at some point in your life. These small deeds will make a huge impact on your life and also in the lives of the people around you.
Use these ears for a better purpose and be a good listener for people around you!
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