
Friday 3 August 2018


Its dark, it’s dim
It’s gloomy,
Yet not that grim
As things that once mattered,
Seem to fade away
And when I try to hold them on,
They always try and sway.
The road I am looking at
Seem to be a never-ending one,
And I don’t want to further stroll and roam
All I ever wanted
Is to go somewhere,
Somewhere called home.

I hope the above lines were good enough to get you thinking for a moment there. Well, this life is something we got without even asking for it, but as it began, we have been asking and desiring for things that we don’t have. Be it the materialistic needs or the psychological needs.

I don’t like to speak about the materialistic greed of men in my posts, as it’s never ending. So, this brings us to the psychological need, which is also a kind of greed when we are dealing with wrong emotions and psychological thoughts, but you, you seem to be sane enough as you are reading this post so calmly, so let’s talk about your thoughts and everyone like you.

Even though we have a sane way of thinking but most of the times we all are always mentally unstable. Almost every person in this world is unsatisfied with his life, be it rich, poor, and whoever in the mid-zone of living. The standard of living does not describe how happy you are, because your satisfaction level depends on the way of thinking rather than the way of living.

I don’t want to lecture myself and anyone out there to change their way of thinking or aiming low or try to be someone they are not, rather I want to stress on our way of thinking and help us understand what we actually want to achieve in this life.

Well, we all have a certain aim in our lives, which keeps on changing for most of us due to many factors that drive us as we walk down that road, but the ultimate thing that we crave for never changes, ‘peace’. I call that home, my home. Every positive emotion is related to peace in the end, be it happiness, compassion, joy. So, we can say, whatever we choose to do in life, whatever we don’t choose to do in life, we always crave for peace at the end.

No matter what we do in our life, no matter in whichever direction life takes us, we always desire and must desire to go home. It’s a place where we always go back to comfort ourselves after a hard day, searching for peace, but in reality, peace always seems to be temporary, as every day is some kind of battle. So, making 'peace' a something permanent, where we can turn back to as our ultimate home must be the real aim. Everyone rests in peace afterlife, but we should be clear about this desire and try to attain it within our lifetime.

But again, it is not always about the destination of our home, to be our peace zone, even the journey can be peaceful if we take things easy and don’t rush it. Sit back and think with ease before acting. There are no other angles in my mind for this title, as I have only one perspective and I am keeping this post short and simple. So, I hope you could relate with whatever I stated out here and I pray that we all find our comforting homes soon enough.

Keep things easy and don’t stress it, as everything will be fine when you feel at home.

Thank you for reading till the end. Do leave your reviews in the comment section and share this blog post if you like it. 

Tuesday 24 July 2018


Life is always challenging an individual with a lot of hurdles every single day, and we try to face it one day at a time keeping things simple. We sleep every night thinking about whatever life threw at us today and wake up the next day thinking how to resolve the problems so that it doesn’t remain in our mind by the time we hit the bed at the end of the day.

A challenging life is good. It teaches us a lot of things. But what if we are unable to take down every problem as it hits us, one day at a time? What if things pile-up without even letting us resolve the previous issues? It’s similar to the homework of our classes from the previous week that we left undone at times and it got piled with the current week’s homework. But the difference lies in the emotional imbalances we face in real life and the consequences that we have to face whatsoever. Homework piles are mostly created due to our lazy nature, but the things that pile-up in real life maybe because of our slack our just situational. Either way, it breaks us.

I believe there are two kinds of pile-ups that overweigh upon us. One where everything happens at the exact same time, simultaneously, making us vulnerable and unable to deal with all of them. Second where things occur one after another in series and the damage that was done to an individual’s mind piles up, even after he takes them down one after another, one day at a time. Yes, damages also do pile up. Facing obstacles and dealing with them makes an individual strong, true, but when the obstacles are just meaningless and never-ending, then it can break the individual too.

In either of the situation, piling doesn’t seem to be a good thing for anyone, but almost every second people face this and get trapped into psychological loopholes, killing them from within, day after day, not able to find a way out to anything specific to resolve all that and make peace for themselves.

Emotional pile-ups can be disastrous and even after things are resolved, the damage done sometimes can never be fixed, leading the individuals to misjudge the future events and people they face in life. Like every other big event that change people from within, these things happen at a slow and steady pace, and people don’t realize this when they go through those behavioral changes. A good external help is always required to keep an individual to go through these kinds of situations, as a support is highly recommended to keep things calm, even if not permanently fixed.

Well, enough about negative pile-ups, let’s talk something good about them. Now, there are certain things in our life we have a hard time dealing with, or emotions that we have a hard time expressing, be it good or bad. We always have that something pulling us back, thinking about the consequences, or maybe we lack the confidence to make that happen. At those times, these pile-ups are the thing that helps us take a leap and act accordingly. It’s just like a dam, where the water has to be released when the upstream side develops more potential than it can hold. I explained with an engineering perspective, but I guess you got my point. Sometimes we just need a push, and when I think about an internal push, it’s our self-determination, and when we lack that, it’s the potential developed due to our pile-ups.

So, be it good or bad, pile-ups have a major impact on our lives, and things we do and who we are right now are a result of potentials and breakdowns caused within us due to those pile-ups. I hope you related to what I had in mind and stated out here in my broken words.

Thank you for reading till the end. Do leave your thoughts and views in the comment section below, and let me know how your pile-ups changed your life.

Sunday 8 July 2018


No matter how calm you think you are, your mind is always restless and ready to think of something or the other at all times. Be it consumed with some situation or empty with nothing significant, it will still roam here and there thinking about things which might be of no value. We always need something to fill our leisure time in between the hectic schedule of our life. This is completed by the hobbies that help us swim away from all our deep thoughts and worries for some time at least. Hobbies are something that we lean towards, effortlessly, due to our interests and positive feelings that develop within while we engage in certain activities.

Usually, people don’t like to work and put effort into anything and want everything to be done with ease. But 'hobby' is a category under which every work is welcomed by an individual, whatever be the effort required to execute it.

Today everyone is running after studies and streams that are not even meant for them. All a person is craving for is money, fooling himself with the lie that it will get him the ultimate satisfaction he wants. Even after you have minted a lot of coins for yourself, your ultimate satisfaction will be filled by the things that you like to do the most. If money is the only thing that makes you happy and there is nothing else that you like doing, then go for it, else you are missing few points here and there as you run along with other people in this endless race of life.

Again, most people are after money as a necessity to run their lives, and not because money is their ultimate passion. But in that process, people forget what they always desired, and along with that their hobbies also slowly die. Few people get to relive their lives after a certain time when the realization hits them, but it’s not the same for everyone. Everyone is not that lucky.

The things you like to do or you aim for are always related to your hobbies, even if not directly, you will see that your hobbies are alive when you are on the path of pursuing the things you always wanted. Make yourself as a test subject and think for a bit, and you will find the answer within. Both your desires and hobbies work hand in hand, just stick onto your hobbies to heal yourself when required, and you will pursue whatever you truly desire in your life. Same way, if you just keep your mind straight and work towards whatever you truly desire in your life, your hobbies will remain alive side by side, without even you having to think about that.

Few people might contradict from my above statements, and I am fine with that. Your lives might have been filled with hardships, and you might have been forced into situations, jobs or responsibilities that you never wanted, but why let everything remain gloomy? If there is negativity in life, make some space for your forgotten hobbies and let it help you go through all the bad moments of your life.

I believe that a good hobby like singing, writing or anything else, that doesn’t cost you more than your leisure time is a very healthy way to heal yourself. I write because it helps me clear my mind, and it’s a hobby I am developing gradually to keep me on my path of pursuing greater things in life.

Detoxification of mind is a very essential need for everyone, and what better can it be than a stress-relieving hobby? Give a thought on whatever you just read here and make space for the hobbies you have in your daily life. It might seem trifle and might not yield anything from your perspective, but that's the habit which will keep your mind clear while you work on achieving your goals. 
Never let your hobbies die and it will help you live your life in a better way!
Thank you for reading till the end. Do place your views in the comment section below and let me know if you have your hobbies still alive with you.

Wednesday 4 July 2018


I cannot emphasize on this topic and say that I am right to the full extent, but being in certain situations and viewing some of them from a distance has made me think of this for a while. The title seems to be about family planning, and it truly describes that, but with a little different perspective.

Birth and death are the two ultimate laws of nature. Both of them can be controlled to a certain extent by precautionary measures created by men. Well, death can still be stated uncertain and can only be mitigated to a certain extent, but birth can be controlled as per the requirement and readiness of the individuals craving to be parents.

Family planning is done by almost everyone nowadays, and most of the pieces fall into place if everything goes on smoothly. Parenting is always filled with challenges as the requirements increase with the age of children, and planning done is also susceptible to collapse at times leading to unwanted scenarios. I am not a parent and I cannot explain the pressure or torments every parent has to go through so I will not go around advising how they should earn and fulfill the needs of every child, but there are certain things every parent must know and realize while raising up their children.

As my title says- ‘give birth only when capable’, has a deeper meaning to it. It means planning, not only keeping in mind the present status of the individuals deeming to be parents but also with the motive of not stressing both their lives and the life of the child that is to be born down the line.

Life is always full of challenges, be it being parents or just mere individuals leading their lives. But yes, parenting is much more challenging as you have lots of responsibilities. The thing that matters most is the mental stability while raising a child, and this is the most important factor that counts. When an individual is mentally strong and has the ability to handle situations, even an unplanned child is welcomed by him, and challenges are taken care with ease. On the other hand, a weak minded individual will fail even if the child is properly planned. Sounds bitter, but being a child or a parent, you will relate to what I am saying.

I am not implying that weak minded people should not give birth, but they should get hold of a better partner who can control them and take things into their hand at troublesome situations or should try to get their weak side strengthened before turning into a parent. This talk can be directed towards choosing a better partner and how they can properly nourish a weak mind's life, but I would like to stick onto the topic of raising a child, as children matter the most after a couple becomes parents.

Weak minded people often turn out blaming others for their weakness, and in most of the cases, they are charged back by the people with sane counters, putting the weak minds in their place. But if that person is a parent of some child and he is accusing his child of all the situations in his life, making the child count every penny spent on him? Or maybe accusing the child over things that might not even be his concerns at that age. There might be many outbursts that I might not even be able to imagine and put out here, but I guess you got my point. Things like these need control, and the ones who are weak-minded must admit to themselves and go for therapies and help so that they can make both their life and their family's life peaceful.

Taking responsibilities is a great deal, and when it’s about a child, utmost care is always required. The child might not be able to talk back or fight back, but it is your responsibility to do what is just, not whatever you feel like doing. Blaming and shouting at everyone is the not the solution for the weakness a person feels within, strengthening it and finding the true potential through proper therapies is the only solution. The family you create must feel like a safe corner, rather than something you or the other individuals have to bear.
So, try and be a proud parent of a happy child, rather than a weak parent of a tormented mind.
 Thank you for reading till the end, and do comment your views down below. Apologies if I overstated something, but this is just a personal opinion.

Sunday 1 July 2018


This is one of my favorite topics to talk upon as I have been the first-hand victim of this situation. I know the title seems to be a bit confusing but this is something that consumes a great chunk of my ‘overthinking’ time at this present phase of life.

The feeling of living in poverty when you have a house to live in, a family to live with and food to survive is quite absurd. Even after acquiring the basic amenities of life, how can a person feel to be living in some kind of poverty? Well, the term 'poverty' differs from the perspective where it is observed.

According to a nation, there is a poverty line that defines that whether a person is living in poverty or doing well and good. But from the perspective of an individual, the feeling of living in poverty or not is described with respect to his habitat. Think of it for a second, how do you define yourself to be doing well and good? Your life needs to be compared with someone else's, and the first comparison you do is always with the people in your habitat.

Now, as the title seems to be a bit clear, let’s take things a bit deeper, shall we?

Children are raised in a certain habitat by their parents and sent to schools and colleges according to their capabilities and financial status. Eventually, they create their own circle in which they live in, gradually comparing themselves along with other kids of their circle, leading to demands that are sometimes out of the capability of their parents. Well, making those irrational demands is fine up to a certain age when they are naïve and do not understand the financial status of their family. Moderation during that age is the key to a proper upbringing of the children.

Well, moderation is the key when the demands are irrational, but what if the demands and requirements are genuine? Still there comes the factor of ‘being able to provide’ by the parents. And what if that factor is also met and still they are negated?

Parents need to understand that when they are pushing their children into certain circles and habitat during their study life, the changes that come along with it are huge. Moderate your children till they are sane enough to understand the value of money and freedom that they acquire from you. But, after a certain age, they are rightful of acquiring certain basic things to survive in the habitat that they have created, so it's the duty of their parents to provide them as per their capabilities rather than making them feel deprived and being in a wrong habitat. Some parents just forget that their kids are growing, and they need certain things according to their age. This, in turn, creates an imbalance leading to unwanted abnormalities within the parent-children relationship. Parents might think that they are still doing good, and they are at the best in their game by moderating, but neglecting needs as per the growing age of their children is one of their major flaws.

Now, for the individuals who feel deprived and by relating to this situation, feeling as if this is your story, do not go on charging on your parents or guardians showing off this post. Instead, try and make them understand about your needs with proper and decent words, and if that still doesn't work, just realize that the demands and desires you have are to be earned and not begged. Even though its the responsibility of your parents to provide you, they can decide not to do so with their own reasons in mind. So, the only option that remains for you to keep your self-respect intact is obtaining everything you want through hard work and perseverance Be it your freedom or something materialistic, earn it! If your habitat is making you feel depressed of you not having those things, leave the habitat for your own good.

Parents being naive and not providing even after being capable is a sad part, but turning that feeling of being deprived and living in some kind of poverty into something better by working towards a better future with everything you always wanted in life is the best way out.
So, if your parents are not providing, start earning yourself to bring a change.

Thank you for reading till the end, and do let me know if you have some contradicting views on this topic. This is just my personal view, so apologies if I have not considered any perspective in this post.

Wednesday 27 June 2018


Every individual’s life is filled with hardships and problems, and they are constantly stressing about finding solutions to those. Well, life is busy, and to be honest, who has time to think about others' problems when they are so much consumed with their own ones at hand? But if you sit back and think about it, what do you need the most when you are going certain situations in life? Well, when you think deep enough, the answer is obvious--- a good ‘listener’.

The first thing that comes to our mind in worse situations is ‘help’. But before we gather some help to sort our problems, the first aid we require is someone listening to our problems We already get relieved halfway as we speak about the problem to someone else, and if that listener turns out to be your helper, then you surely are lucky.

But then again, there are certain problems which do not have any solution, or you may say that we run in loops, not finding a way out, and the only solution we see is to go through the situation one day at a time. The tide of immense feelings washing you off and draining you each time is quite harsh, but you know things will not be changing in the near future and you will have to go through the same over and over again. Maybe you have faced that numerous times, but it always seems to drain you the same way, rather than you being used to that. Help is always welcome from someone in these situations as well, but what if there is not even a provision to get help, or what if helping or trying to resolve the situation from external help worsens the situation?

A good listener is all that is required to ease the situation for that person, to give him the confidence to keep going. This might not be a great thing done from the former one's point of view, but it’s a huge deal for the one in some deep situation, because, at times, that’s all a person needs. This is a type of psychological help that reinforces the person mentally, assuring him that even if the person is not able to help out, the former one is interested in listening and giving suggestions or reviews wherever possible.

Now, coming to the section of reviews and suggestions I spoke above. Well, in certain cases, just finding a listener is okay, but in most cases, there is a dire need of proper suggestions and reviews as a response after listening to one’s situation. At these times, the listeners must be really good at their own level of strategic thinking and must be at a psychological advantage over the person whom he is listening out. This is obviously the part where we can call the listener a ‘counsellor’. This group of listeners is considered the best among all the listeners, and that’s why this has become one of the high grossing careers. Keeping the business theme aside, people who are good at resolving problems through listening and counseling are the best ones one can ever find, and they provide the best mental reinforcement one can ever have.

By now I guess you already relate to whatever is wrote about, and maybe you already knew all about the importance of a good listener. So, why did I use so many words to stress on this subject? This is because just knowing about it does not make this world a better place, actions are required. You might not be the best listener out there, you might not be at the level to counsel others, but you must always try and get some patience to hear someone out. It's not like you are doing some favor for someone, because it's the same that you will seek at some point in your life. These small deeds will make a huge impact on your life and also in the lives of the people around you.

Use these ears for a better purpose and be a good listener for people around you!

Thank you for reading till the end. Do leave your comments and opinions below, and Pin It if you like it.

Sunday 10 June 2018


The best part of this world is ‘birth’, and along with that comes the ability of that person to do things. Every person acquires some exceptional skill, which is deeply seeded and ready to be explored, polished and displayed to this world. Well, these exceptional qualities are exceptional and considered extraordinary only when they are known both by the person himself and others.

Knowing that you have some exceptional skill or talent is the most important step for the exploration to begin, but what if we never knew what it is in the first place? How are we going to find the route to our destination when we don’t even know our area of interest?

These institutions and colleges are constantly producing engineers and doctors, and is this because all of them want to be engineers and doctors?...No! Every student knows the real fact, but is hesitant and running in this rat race, because their parents are investing too much in them. Overburdened with the system and family, children are dying every day, both mentally and physically.

Lack of confidence does develop within children over their growing years when they are constantly nagged by the fact that they don’t know anything. It’s true in almost every scenario, but the people of this era are being insignificant by flowing in a unidirectional manner. And this unidirectional flow is created by this unrealistic educational system.

Being educated in any stream is not bad, but it’s bad when you were never meant for it.

The system of education in India must change! That is the only way people will start developing skills and talents they have within. There is no proper counseling done in India after a student passes out from school. As a result, they just choose a stream that their scores or parents decide, not by their choices. And leave the talk about choices even, because most children are clueless, so is it not the responsibility of higher officials to put in a significant amount of time or some kind of counseling procedures to get them into the streams where they will actually fit? Like a jigsaw puzzle cannot be assembled together if pieces are hammered in together, the future of children cannot be made by just hammering them into a field for which they are not actually meant.

Just like the board of members have a counseling phase for deciding who are to be selected and which colleges will be allotted to them, there should be a counseling year for children after their essential exams. If not a year then at least a subject of counseling through out their developing period. This minor change can save the upcoming years of those children. Just by throwing them here and there based on the marks scored and dim thoughts about what they should choose as a career is not enough. It’s not just the responsibility of the parents, but also the schools in helping them to make the right decisions in life. It’s a shame how the country is functioning right now….wrong education, leading to wrong people at wrong posts.

The people who are feasting over this irrational system of education are the institutions which are growing in every street and corner of this nation. And it’s never enough because the students who are studying the same thing also doesn’t seem to grow any less. All I see is a rat race, as everyone seems to try and be the best at the same thing, and it’s not even because they desire it….such a shame.

Even an uneducated person can work and earn money, live a happy life. People have forgotten basics in the desire of achieving things which are not even sought by even their inner self. The result -- people who feed on other people’s fear and confusion are ruling the world. This is just a blog, and this might not make much difference in your lives, but changes start from a simple thought. Spread the word and make people who actually run the system get a hold on reading something like this. Do they also want to kill the desires and wishes of the coming generation?
There is a scope for every skill and talent when a proper field is made for them, but this nation is not going to develop unless they understand the true potential of every resource they have and utilize it in better ways. Everyone has a fear to move out of the conventional system and take steps to improve their lives, but this can be better if the conventional method itself teaches how to be strong and take risks for better results.

Change starts with you, but few changes are required at a greater level, for national or global impact.

Leave your thoughts and comments down below and do share this blog so that the thought reaches out to the people who actually run the education system. Thank you!