Knowing that you have some exceptional skill or talent is the most important step for the exploration to begin, but what if we never knew what it is in the first place? How are we going to find the route to our destination when we don’t even know our area of interest?

Lack of confidence does develop within children over their growing years when they are constantly nagged by the fact that they don’t know anything. It’s true in almost every scenario, but the people of this era are being insignificant by flowing in a unidirectional manner. And this unidirectional flow is created by this unrealistic educational system.
Being educated in any stream is not bad, but it’s bad when you were never meant for it.

Just like the board of members have a counseling phase for deciding who are to be selected and which colleges will be allotted to them, there should be a counseling year for children after their essential exams. If not a year then at least a subject of counseling through out their developing period. This minor change can save the upcoming years of those children. Just by throwing them here and there based on the marks scored and dim thoughts about what they should choose as a career is not enough. It’s not just the responsibility of the parents, but also the schools in helping them to make the right decisions in life. It’s a shame how the country is functioning right now….wrong education, leading to wrong people at wrong posts.
The people who are feasting over this irrational system of education are the institutions which are growing in every street and corner of this nation. And it’s never enough because the students who are studying the same thing also doesn’t seem to grow any less. All I see is a rat race, as everyone seems to try and be the best at the same thing, and it’s not even because they desire it….such a shame.
Even an uneducated person can work and earn money, live a happy life. People have forgotten basics in the desire of achieving things which are not even sought by even their inner self. The result -- people who feed on other people’s fear and confusion are ruling the world. This is just a blog, and this might not make much difference in your lives, but changes start from a simple thought. Spread the word and make people who actually run the system get a hold on reading something like this. Do they also want to kill the desires and wishes of the coming generation?
There is a scope for every skill and talent when a proper field is made for them, but this nation is not going to develop unless they understand the true potential of every resource they have and utilize it in better ways. Everyone has a fear to move out of the conventional system and take steps to improve their lives, but this can be better if the conventional method itself teaches how to be strong and take risks for better results.
Change starts with you, but few changes are required at a greater level, for national or global impact.
Leave your thoughts and comments down below and do share this blog so that the thought reaches out to the people who actually run the education system. Thank you!
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